The Start to a Healthy Lifestyle: Overcoming Obstacles in 3 SIMPLE Steps

Making a lifestyle change always comes with obstacles. It’s true for all of us. It’s how we react to those obstacles that determines the success of our goals or intentions. To ensure that our obstacles don’t control our intentions, let’s use 3 SIMPLE steps to set our goals and keep them:

  1. Define the obstacle. It could be time. It could be money. It could be a physical limitation. Whatever it is, get a clear picture of it, then leave it at that. Too often, we get stuck in this step because we want to ADMIRE the problem. We love to look at it from every angle and dwell on it. We allow it to grow and take control of us.
  2. Accept the obstacle. It is what it is. It won’t just go away. So we need to accept that it will create a challenge for us. At the first sign of a struggle, we need to be ready to take power over it, and not let it take power over us. The simplest way is to acknowledge it, and then remember we are stronger than it.
  3. Overcome the obstacle. We are bigger than our obstacles. We can overcome them. If it’s money, we need to be clever and creative about our plan. When I first started running, I was working part-time and a young mother of 2 small children. I had no money but knew I had to do something. I bought a pair of running shoes and set out the front door. That was before Youtube. Now, there are a plethora of apps and videos to help you get started without costing much if anything. If it’s time, a day planner may help. All it takes is to set aside 10 minutes a day 3 times a day or 30 minutes at one time. Start with 4 days, then work up to 5. Some even find once they have a pattern going, doing something during that 30 minutes every day helps them stay on track.

Once we have control of the obstacle, it can no longer control us. So, rather than our reasons becoming excuses, they become challenges that make us stronger and more ready for the journey. It doesn’t mean that every day will be easy, but keeping things in perspective will help us stay on track.

If you would like more help working through your obstacles, feel free to email me! I will be happy to help!


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One Comment

  1. Great way to break down a goal. Love it.

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