Help! What do I call this gluten free, super/power awesomely delicious salad/dish???

One of my favorite things about travelling is checking out new food! My trip to Alaska was no exception. This dish was inspired by something I ordered in an airport. I know! So unromantic!

The best part of this dish is it not only includes super foods, it is packed with power! I even found a way to include some pre-biotics which are just as necessary but different from pro-biotics. However, I have no idea what to call it! I would love to hear your ideas!

As usual, I forgot to measure and more or less dumped as I went. I will try and give you estimates. But, the best part of a dish like this is that you can add to or take away from any part without changing the overall flavor and nutrition.


  • 4 c Edamame spaghetti noodles (protein and fiber)
  • 1 c Quinoa (protein)
  • 1 Steelhead or Salmon (protein and omega 3-fatty acids)
  • 1/4 c Almond slices (protein and calcium)
  • 3 c Kale (fiber, antioxidants, calcium, Vitamins C and K, and iron)
  • 2 c Spinach (calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, potassium, and protein)
  • 1 c Carrots (biotin, Vitamin A, B6, and K1, and potassium)
  • 1/2 Red and 1/2 Green pepper (Vitamins C, B6, K1, E, and A, potassium and folate)
  • 1/2 Red onion (pre-biotic)
  • 2 T Fresh Basil (pre-biotic)
  • 1/4 c Alfalfa Sprouts (Vitamin K)
  • 1/4 c Feta Cheese (probably the healthiest of cheeses and full of flavor)


  • 2 T Lime Juice concentrate
  • 2 T Lemon Juice concentrate
  • 3 T Olive Oil
  • Garlic
  • Salt


Cook the noodles, quinoa, and steelhead or salmon separately. Chop kale, spinach, carrots, peppers, onion, and basil and toss together. Add almond slices, Alfalfa sprouts, and feta cheese. Toss again. Last, add edamame noodles, quinoa, and salmon (I “crumbled” the salmon as I added it)

Mix ingredients for dressing and coat entire dish. I had planned on this being a cold salad, but actually ended up eating it while it was still warm from the noodles, quinoa and salmon. It was delish! My conclusion: eat it warm or cold and enjoy!

Makes: A lot!!!

This may not seem SIMPLE, but the SIMPLE comes when you have an entire meal ready to go in a moments notice. Pack it for lunch and eat it cold or heat it up and serve it for dinner.

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